Director Writer Name
Cristian Goffredo Miglioranza
Producer Name
Lucia Berenice Alcantar Diaz

About Director
1998 Stunt-acrobata
2004 Music Send Love, Produzione discografica NYC (New York City)
Nel 2015 Fonda la associazione culturale Ciak Prod Action, associazione che prevalentemente si occupa di
progetti sociali legati al mondo del cinema e della scrittura.
2016 Scrittura e deposito Soggetto e Sceneggiatura “Political Killer”
2017 Scrittura e deposito Soggetto e Sceneggiatura “Sei sicuro che la ami?”
2018 Direzione del lungometraggio “il rumore delle immagini”
2019 Direzione cortometraggio “OFF”
2020 Scrittura Soggetto e sceneggiatura “240 Ore Giuseppe Giuliano”
“il rumore delle immagini”
The Oniros Film Awards® Miglior Film Drammatico- Miglior Regia
KIMFF Migior film drammatico, Miglior Regia;
Florence film Award menzione d’onore alla miglior regia action.
Ostia Film Festival 2020 finalista
Foggia Film Festival 2020 finalista
Tokyo lift off network 2021 finalista
Las Vegas Action film Megafest 2021 finalista
Film Overview
It was the fear for the safety of Matteo, the son, a
push Claudia to take that difficult step: denounce Enzo, her husband, the man she had loved so much and still loved despite repeated mistreatment. She was sure that he, deep down, still loved her, and that she was able to change him. That evening, however, upon returning from the emergency room, full of plasters on her face, where he had accompanied her after having beaten her savagely, she could not take it anymore. They hadn’t even had time to get back into the house, when he had started yelling and threatening her again. Claudia had locked herself in her room, with her son in her arms crying and, while her husband was trying to break down the door, she had called 113. Enzo was taken to the police station and held in custody until the next morning when, following Claudia’s formal complaint, he was arrested.
In Claudia’s life the serene had returned, but when he was
is set free, the nightmare resumes. The
measures imposed on him by the Magistrate, with which it is done
explicit prohibition to approach his wife or child unless
considerable distances, under penalty of being arrested, because he does not leave
treatment. Stalking, insults, threats. After that episode, Enzo seemed to have disappeared and Claudia began to hope that he had put his soul in peace, giving up persecuting her, but he is not. The epilogue takes place some time later on the road leading to the sea. Claudia had noticed that he was following her. She was on her way to pick up her son at a birthday party on the waterfront. Claudia quickly calls her parents
and making up an excuse, he asks them to go and film
Matteo. Immediately after, he will call 113, which will not arrive in time.