Writer Name
marie Vandelannoote

About Writer
Marie is an award-winning director, writer and editor. She was born and raised in Lyon, France. She began her career as a radio host in Lyon in the mid-1990s and now writes for television and video games. She is also a regular writer for literary magazines in France and Quebec. She moved to Quebec City in 2021 and divides her time between France and Canada.
Film Overview
Jeanne, a young mother, asks Sheriff Galenski for help when her 9-year-old son, Caleb, goes missing. Jeanne also confesses to Galenski that she murdered her husband Adam, describing him as a bloodthirsty creature in disguise who tried to kill her. But when Adam shows up at the police station safe and sound with Caleb by his side, he tells Galenski a completely different story. According to him, Jeanne, depressed, is delusional and suffers from hallucinations . Caught in the crossfire and not knowing who to trust, Galenski will have to find out where the truth lies before a terrible tragedy occurs.