A Millennial Diary Part I

Indifare Finalist

Director, Writer and producer Name

Jacob Huey Correa

Cast and Crew member’s

Melisa Anova

About Director

Jacob Huey Correa (26) was born and raised in Southern California. He got his start in entertainment doing theater in high school, when he joined the La Jolla High Drama Department in San Diego and went on to becoming an alumni of the La Jolla Playhouse Conservatory in 2012. After acting in numerous theater shows, his passion expanded into the film world in his early 20s, when he decided to pick up and move to Los Angeles to pursue a career in it. Jacob has worked on numerous film projects, including many with the film company, Actors Coalition Network of Los Angeles. Jacob is now a student at The Los Angeles Film School, where he is expanding his knowledge in Film and intends to pursue a full-fledged career in the Film Industry.

Film Overview

Geneva, a young industry hopeful, goes on a memorial hike to process her recent loss of a loved one. A hike intended to aid her in her own grieving process catapults her into a dream-like state–an experience which leaves her questioning everything.

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