
Indifare Award Winner

Director’s Name

Peter Halpin

Writer’s Name

Peter Halpin

Producer’s Name

Abigail Martin

Cast and Crew member’s

Will Vero

About Director

Having performed comedy in film, TV, theatre and stand-up from 2005 – 2016, and writing in the genre from 2008, Peter has taken all that experience into directing. He worked alongside some very experienced and talented directors over the years, and combining their advice with his own instincts and passion for comedy, Peter is very excited to be starting his directing journey.

His debut film, Harvest, was released in November 2021 with very positive feedback and even award-winning results.

Film Overview

Besides getting a job, 42 year old Harvey has little else to do with his time but become the next big thing on the internet. So he’s created himself an online persona: rapper and music producer DJ Harvest, oozing seduction, charm and a unique way with words.

He’s got local dullard Paul, recruited for his ownership of a half decent camera, to film him in the most awesome… no, rad… no, sick… whatever… vlogumentray of Harvey’s rise to to fame.

Who can’t fall in love with DJ Harvest…?

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