Life’s Hourglass

Indifare Award Winner

Author Name

Clare Steffen

Cast and crew member

Jovanni Santos, Shiv Tailor

About Director

Round The Globe is a collaboration of music written and co-written with individuals from all over the world. The idea is to promote encouragement, hope, and global healing through music. The music of Round The Globe is dynamic and diverse. We explore subjects that are complex social issues and concerns that can be difficult to address, but through music, we can overcome obstacles and barriers. Our intention is to spread universal love through our music.

In a short amount of time, Round The Globe has distinguished itself as an organization of musicians and songwriters that are making a difference in the world. Their music is considered outstanding and has been recognized for the contribution it makes to improving our world through music.

Film Overview


October folds into November 

Leaves begin to turn and shades replace

Orange, red to brown 

I know it’s something I should remember 

But somehow, I just don’t 


My time slips on and brown hair turns grey

And my thoughts seem to run as I chase

Things that distract me

I lose focus and just seem to forget

Maybe December it’ll come to me


There was a moment when time moved slow

But that was pretty long ago

Maybe I should pause and reflect

To remember all the things that I forget


Life is like an hourglass

Time sifts too fast

When we’re upside down

Maybe we could start again

And take a moment

To watch the moments pass

Each grain is gone in an instant

Unless we watch the colors fade


The changing of the guard comes in a flash

So enjoy watching the colors change

Every dog has its day

Its time for me to slow down and enjoy

It’s December and I’m remembering


Life is like an hourglass

Time sifts too fast

When we’re upside down

Maybe we could start again

And take a moment

To watch the moments pass

Each grain is gone in an instant

Unless we watch the colors fade


Distractions are just that

Nothing more, nothing less

Enjoy the hourglass

And the colors that quickly pass

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