Director, Writer Name
Brother-Michael Katlow Cox
Producer Name
Tonni Young, Brother-Michael Katlow Cox, Jill Foster, Jeannette Boyd II, Tanja Hayes, Dawnyelle Butler

About Director
Brother-Michael’s innate character in seeking to achieve higher heights, led him to go on to receive his degree in Computer Science, and to no surprise, he immediately went on to teach a college semester; paying it forward by instilling in others what he’d learned. In the first couple of months of me meeting Brother-Michael, I quickly learn that he is always willing to share his knowledge with no hesitations. Always wanting more for others whom he includes in his circle.
While in the military, Brother-Michael took a “confidence course” that had a profound effect on his life… and if you know him personally, like I do, I’m confident you’d agree that that must have been some damn course–because his confidence level exists within the stratosphere!….
Film Overview
The Struggle in America – Unarmed and Black This short shows the brutality that Unarmed blacks are subject too daily without cause and justification. “No Justice, No Peace…”
“Some Videos Contain Graphic Context and Language”