Under a Bad Moon

Indifare Finalist

Director Writer Name

Stephen Franklin Blanton

Produer Name

Cynthia Marie Breed, Stephen Franklin Blanton

Cast and Crew memeber’s

Deanna Shaekel, Matthew James Bucklew, Britton Johnson Hollingsworth, Veronika Stoykova.

About Director

1991 Music Video- Writer and Performer “Moonshiner’s Daughter”
2004-2014 Martial Arts Instructional Videos- Director/Producer
2021 “Under a Bad Moon” Writer/Director/Producer

Film Overview

A former sheriff deputy moves to the country after a breakdown following her partner’s murder. The perpetrator is still at large when she awakens to the sound of a gunshot and distressing voices. She seeks out the source and finds a dead body, and three young men and a woman. She’s forced to deal with her trauma so she can handle the situation at hand.

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