Grandma’s Box

Indifare Award Winner

Director Writer Producer Name

Robert Goose Scott, Logan Patrick Scott

Cast and Crew member’s

Michael Allen Moore, Matt Joseph Mizell, Sheila Robinson Owens, Alexandra Martinez

About Writer

Robert Goose Scott- Writer/Director/Producer
Award winning filmmaker Robert Goose Scott has worked as a
writer, director, and producer of film and theater. His short
narrative film, A Clean Sleep, won Best Short Dramedy at the
Take It Easy Film Festival, an Honorable Mention at the OneReeler Film Festival, and earned a Nomination for Best
Romantic Comedy at the Indie Short Fest. His other credits
include his short narrative fim, Séance, as well as working on
The Black String and Charlotte on the Rebound.
Goose earned degrees in English, Theatre, Film and Television
with an emphasis in writing and directing. He wrote and
directed two one-act plays for the Cal State University,
Bakersfield’s Theatre Department, while also directing and
producing two short films for The Film Club at CSUB.
In his personal time, Goose enjoys being with his family,
playing video games, coaching baseball, and writing novels

Film Overview

Desmond is entrusted with his late grandmother’s secret and calls upon his best friend Gary to help him get rid of it, only to find out there is more to the secret than it appears.

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