Director Writer and Producer
Adamo Antonacci, Alessandro Salaorni
Cast and crew member’s
Filippo Zoi, Raffaella Braghieri, Irene Zoi

About Director
Adamo Antonacci – Director
• Adamo Antonacci born in Florence in 1975
• 1995\97 with Alessandro Riccio completes various short films, which won prestigious prizes such as the Oscarino D’Oro awarded to the actor Maria Grazia Cucinotta for the short film “Anima larga”.
• 1997 again with Alessandro Riccio makes 5 themed short films commissioned by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in five Italian educational establishments on the relationship between minors and the outside world.
• In 1997\98 attends the Director’s Course at the IMMAGINA Film School by the director Giuseppe Ferlito.
• 2003\04 writes and directs for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers 4 documentaries dealing with international adoptions.
• 2007 – 2014 Undertakes visual educational projects focusing on the writing and making of short films with students in elementary, middle and high schools.
• 2011 Completes a documentary in Brazil for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers on the system of adoption in Brazil.
• 2011 Completes for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers two documentaries on the role Italy plays in international adoptions and specifically in Brazil.
• 2010 – 2011 Writes and directs the film “Ridere fino a volare” [Laugh Until You Fly] featuring Carlo Monni, Sergio Forconi and Cristiano Militello.
• 2016 Creates and supervises the photographic exhibition Divine Creatures, in 2017 at the Museo dell’Opera in Florence; 2017-2018 at the Vatican Museums and in 2018-19 at the Sale Affrescate of the Comune of Pistoia.
• 2016 Creates the animated cartoon character Crash Casanova – a different superpower every day, making in 2017 a teaser trailer.
• 2018 publishes for Scatole Parlanti Publishers an anthology of poems titled ‘Se là saranno i tuoi occhi’. [‘If your eyes are there’].
• 2019 publishes with PS Editore his first novel, Controcuore. [CounterHeart]
• 2019 works on the first Italian animated TV series for young adults (14+), with the animated cartoon Devil Lu’.
• 2020 for Eretica Edizioni publishes an anthology of poems entitled La luce necessaria [‘The Necessary Light’]
• 2022 Directs the documentary I mille cancelli di Filippo [Filippo’s Thousand Gates], on the artistic life of Filippo Zoi, a boy with autism.
Film Overview
Filippo Zoi is a 24-year-old with autism. Gifted with a remarkable artistic sensitivity which takes up most of his energy, every year he draws thousands of comic strips and illustrates the children’s stories that his father writes, with two successful books to his credit. But what seems to be the catalyst for all his inner effort are doors and gates, which from childhood Filippo has catalogued in his mind, both to “touch” and to draw. Periodically he feels the need to list to his parents all the gates he has seen from when he was a child until now. This ritual seems anchored in reality as well affording him a pleasure all of his own. Intimate and impenetrable like autism itself.