Love is love

Indifare Award Winner

Author Name

Michael Bechtel (AKA Mike Trash)

Name of Band or Artist

Ken Wolfe

About Director

Mike Trash has been writing & performing music since around 1981. He has been playing with Ken Wolfe from 1983- 2021 when he died tragically from Covid in October 27, 2021. Together they had 3 CDs and performed in 3 states in the USA

Was in:
1981-1982 Gazm
1983-1984 Apathee
1984-1991 Mike Trash & the Barking Ratz
1991-2021 Uncle $am Band
2021 – Present Went Solo Went Partner Ken Wolfe Passed Away Due to Covid

Film Overview

In a world with so much hate and discrimination we present “Love is Love”

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